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Scar Repair Liquid

Scar Repair Liquid

Regular price $34.97
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  • Patented Scar Treatment Technology
  • Clinically Proven in independent studies
  • We are Amazon's choice for scars
  • Free Shipping in the United States

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Prevent bad scarring before it happens. Using Scarguard after the wound has healed, resulted in as much as 75% less scarring in independent published...

medical studies! Surgery, stitches, injuries? Use Scarguard and prevent scar growth the same way that plastic surgeons do.

Scarguard should never be put on open wounds or stitches. Instead, it should be started after the stitches come out and the skin has completely closed. At that point, Scarguard should be painted on twice daily. Most doctor recommends using it for approximately 12 weeks, or until the scar is flat and thin.

New Scar

All wounds result in some degree of scarring, Even minor injuries like first-degree burns and splinters leave some microscopic evidence that they were there. In most cases, these minor

injuries are barely visible once healed. However sometimes our body overgrows scar tissue even after these minor injuries. In addition, scars form as a result of skin conditions like acne, after more serious accidents, or after surgeries. Scars are a natural part of the healing process and happen when the dermis (a deep layer of skin) is damaged. The body adds new collagen, a naturally occurring protein in the body, to mend the damage left by a wound. this is what makes up a scar. Scar tissue is different than surrounding tissues in terms of quality and texture. Independent studies have shown that using Scarguard during the healing process results in as much as 75% less scar tissue!.

Old Scar

Unsightly scars are a common problem. Whether it is from an injury, surgery, or acne, most people have some type of scar somewhere that they would like to get rid of.

There are three types of scars: raised, sunken and flat. Keloid scars are scars that have grown beyond the area of the original injury, almost like a benign tumor. There are aggressive treatments that can improve scars such as laser surgery and chemical peels but these treatments can be expensive and extreme. It does not matter how old the scar is or how it was treated in the past. If there is extra collagen and you melt it, you will shrink the scar. Scarguard has been shown to help melt the extra scar tissue, flatten and shrink it.

Burn Scars

Burn scars can be very difficult to treat and are often an emotional experience.

Accidentally touching something hot, like grabbing a pan right out of the oven, or getting scalded with boiling 

water can burn your skin. Chemical burns and radiation can also cause scarring to the skin.

Burns cause skin cells to die and in response, skin produces collagen to heal. This can cause thickened, discolored scars and, in some people, keloids.

Burns can cause one of these types of scars:

  • Hypertrophic scars are red or purple, raised and may feel warm. They can also itch.
  • Contracture scars reduce your range of motion and make it difficult to perform tasks.
  • Keloid scars are hypertrophic scars that have grown beyond the area of the original injury like a tumor of scar tissue.

Scarguard has been proven to flatten and shrink burn scars. Scarguard is a doctor-approved product for the management of hypertrophic or keloid scars. Unlike some of our competitors, our scar repair liquid has been clinically shown to reduce scar height and improve surface texture.

Acne Scars

Acne is caused by bacteria trapped in the pores on your skin by dirt and oil. They plug up the holes of the pores. Dead cells fall off your skin every hour, but sometimes they clog up a pore. 

Small clogged pores might remain open, trapping air that bacteria like to revel in - this is what leads to whiteheads or blackheads. Sometimes these "pores" become inflamed and lead to severe acne infections.

It's not uncommon to have acne as it is the most common skin condition in the world with over 80% of people between 11 and 30 experiencing it.

Teenagers usually get acne because of their changing hormones and adults can have stress, the environment, menstrual cycles, oil-based products or birth control to blame. The scars of acne can be ugly and take a long time to heal. They can also cause problems for people with skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

There are many ways to get rid of acne scars but not all of them are effective. Some methods take a long time, some require the use of harsh chemicals, while others simply don’t work at all.

Scarguard is a topical treatment that is applied directly on the skin in order to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

C-Section Scars

A c-section is a surgical procedure in which a baby is delivered through the mother's abdomen. It can be done for many reasons, including a previous c-section, delayed birth or if the baby 

is not positioned well.

The incision from this type of surgery leaves a scar on the abdomen. For some women, this is like a badge of courage. For others, it can be an usightly mark that detracts from an otherwise joyful event. Some women feel insecure about how their scars look and feel ashamed to wear swimwear that doesn’t cover it.

Luckily, Scarguard can help with this problem and allow you to fade the scar and get back into a bikini with confidence.

Scarguard® combines medical silicone, cortisone, and vitamin E into a Nanopatch® that is nearly invisible. It has been shown in independent, published medical studies to help balance the body's production of collagen and collagenase to minimize scars. In one study, there was 75% less scar tissue when used after the stitches were removed for 12 weeks!

Scarguard Scar Repair Liquid is the perfect solution to help you fade your c-section scarring.

Insect Bite Scars

Mosquitoes are the most common carriers of diseases to humans. They can transmit diseases such as malaria, Zika, West Nile virus and many more. But insect bites, such as mosquito bites

 can leave scars on the skin. Especially if they are scratched until open. The more the bite is scratched, the more likely it will scar. Insect bites can leave behind scars that are difficult to remove. These scars can be unsightly and make you self-conscious about your appearance.

Scarring can happen in a few ways: inflammation and infection. Mosquito bites are usually not serious enough to cause an infection but they can lead to inflammation and scratching, which is why it is important to treat mosquito bites as soon as possible.

If you have already been bitten and want to reduce the appearance of the scar, Scarguard is the right product for you.

Collapsible content

What is a scar?

When skin is cut, burned or scraped, your body has a natural emergency response team! Cells called fibroblasts make collagen to fill the gap and cement the skin back together. Mother Nature is truly amazing. Fibroblasts always make too much collagen. However, if you leave too much collagen the resulting thick scar would limit motion, be tender and ugly. Therefore, our cells are also programmed to also make collagenase. This enzyme melts the extra collagen. The ideal goal is to create just the right balance between collagen and collagenase to have a tiny line that welds the skin back together and recreates the original shape of the skin before the injury. If too much collagen is left, we have a thick overgrown, unsightly scar.

Scars can result from accidents, cuts, burns, surgery and anything else that damages our skin. Where a scar is or how it was treated before doesn’t much matter. If you have extra collagen you have an unsightly scar and melting that extra is the key.

Introducing Scarguard

We spend a lot of time, energy, and money on our skin. We want it to look good, feel good, and stay young looking for as long as possible. For plastic surgeons, the scar that remains is their reputation. Hundreds worldwide trust Scarguard after surgery or injury. Here’s why…

Managing scars is all about leaving the least collagen possible to fix the problem. Scarguard® combines medical silicone, cortisone, and vitamin E into a Nanopatch® that is nearly invisible. It has been shown in independent, published medical studies to help balance the body's production of collagen and collagenase to minimize scars. In one study, there was 75% less scar tissue when used after the stitches were removed for 12 weeks!

Improving quality of life

Your scars should be treated before they even form. Scarguard helps your body make more collagenase, which is the natural enzyme that breaks down the extra collagen that is present in any scar. while it is impossible to completely erase any scar, some can be barely visible. It's always better to try to prevent overgrowth of scar tissue rather than trying to play catch up after it already forms.

Fast and invisible treatment

Scarguard is a paint on liquid that dries in seconds to form a flexible, invisible Nano-thin patch. Perfect for new and old scars, It is nearly invisible. You can even put makeup on over it once it dries if you want. No need to worry about how it looks on the surface. Just apply it directly to the scarred area and it will work its magic!

No more unsightly scars

The key ingredient in Scarguard is topical silicone, which has been clinically shown to reduce the formation of both old and new scars. By increasing the hydration of the stratum corneum (the uppermost layer of skin), it reduces collagen production and facilitates regulation of fibroblast production. The vitamin E keeps the skin moist and healthy while the cortisone decreases inflammation. Essentially, this treatment helps reduce scarring by helping your body balance the collagen/collagenase production that naturally occurs in healing skin. Reduce your risk of developing unsightly and embarrassing scars by using Scarguard.

Treatment that's right for you

Tired of products that don't work? Scarguard is a safe, effective treatment that Is trusted by thousands of dermatologists and plastic surgeons worldwide.

How do I Use

Scarguard should never be put on open wounds or stitches. Instead, it should be started after the stitches come out and the skin has completely closed. At that point, Scarguard should be painted on twice daily. Most doctors recommend using it for approximately 12 weeks, or until the scar is flat and thin.

How It works

Scarguard helps your body make more of a natural enzyme called collagenase. This is your body’s own scar melter.


Topical, silicone, hydrocortisone and vitamin E in a nano-film.


Scarguard is a brush-on liquid with a one-of-a-kind formula that effectively delivers cortisone, silicone and vitamin-E into the skin. It dries in seconds to form a flexible invisible patch. This unique combination of medication and patch activates the body's natural ability to produce collagenase the enzyme that melts scar tissue. Scarguard helps prevent new scars after injury or surgery, and shrinks old scars.


We Want You To Ask Questions

How Long Should I Use Scarguard?

Physicians typically have their patients use Scarguard for 3 - 4 months for new scars or until old scars are flat.

Can I start using Scarguard right after surgery?

Scarguard should not be used on open wounds. Wait until the skin is fully closed (usually 1-2 weeks), then apply it twice daily.

I remove Scarguard?

Scarguard can be removed by touching a piece of Scotch Tape® over the film and gently lifting. It will usually lift off very easily using this method.

If it does not come off easily, do not pull. Simply apply the next layers on top.
As the layers thicken, they will begin to lift off easily. Do not apply to hair bearing areas such as scalp & brow.

Can Scarguard be Applied Over Stitches?

No, Scarguard should not be used over stitches. Wait until the stitches are removed and the skin is fully healed over before applying Scarguard.

Can I use Sunscreen with Scarguard?

Yes, apply Scarguard to the area first, allow it to dry, then apply Solarguard Sunscreen over it

Is Scarguard proven to work?

These independent clinical published studies are solid proof that Scarguard works.

  • Beckenstein MS, Kuniaki T, Matarasso A, T he Effect of Scarguard on Enzyme Levels Using a Full–Thickness Epidermal Model, Aesthetic Surgery Journal ~ November / December 2004
  • Eisen, Drore A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Scarguard in the Prevention of Scars: The Int. J of Dermatology. 2004; Volume 5, Number 2.
  • Berman, Brian Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars : eMedicine February 11, 2005
  • Sadick, Neil S.. A Twenty–First Century Approach to the Management of Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars.. American Journal of Cosmetic Chemistry Vol. 18, No.. 3,, 2001 1–66